Cie La Dalle (Bienne)

Du 4 au 8 Septembre 2024

Première dans le cadre de INCUBO 2024

Théâtre BIOTOP, Bienne





Cie La Dalle (Bienne)



Bienne et région

Mai - Juin 2024

Aldo Giannotti, Project Sketch 1 (Property)
Aldo Giannotti, Project Sketch 1 (Property)


A Performarce-Artbookbinding


In its self-reflection, art reflexively refers to that with which

it reflects and which first makes its reflexivity possible.

Elke Bippus


In dieser Gestalt bildet sie [die Kunst] den Gegenstand

einer Unterhaltung, [...] die, das spüren wir, endlos fortgesetzt

werden könnte, wenn nichts dazwischenkäme.

Es kommt etwas dazwischen.

Paul Celan


Against the background of a general reflection on the interdisciplinarity between art and science, the Vienna-based artist Aldo Giannotti (I), together with the scientific staff of the A-IKF, has undertaken a critical confrontation with the contemporary debate on Artistic Research. This encounter, or clash, did translate into the artistic project SCIENCEAGREEMENT BETWEEN ART AND.


   Having started as an interdisciplinary questioning of interdisciplinarity itself, the collaboration has brought – not without passing through a schyzoanalytic reflection on the so often evoked unity of theory and practice within the interdisciplinary process – to the concept for an art-book. The "object" of such a book should be the very debate around artistic research. In doing this, the artist has focused his attention on the process of "bookbinding". This has been recognized as the material as well as symbolic device or dispositive, which makes the performance of reading a book possible (to open, to consult and to leaf through a book) allowing it to function as discursive reading apparatus. The very functioning of such a dispositive suggested that the bookbinding had to be rethought in performative terms...


   The project SCIENCEARGREEMENT BETWEEN ART AND represents the attempt to bind together, in a socio-plastic book, the theoretical minimum units of a debate, in the form of auctorial statements, and the artistic praxis of their addressers: a performative book, the publication of which is distributed among different writing and reading places in the public space – alluding, thereby, to a Street-Art-like intervention.


   Originally thought as being an extra-academic artistic contribution to the debate on Artistic Research, the project also constitutes a kind of thankful provocation that aims at calling for other "voices" (pro-vocare), in order to keep the debate in motion.


Webpage of Aldo Giannotti